How to Create a Peak Experience

Peak experiences are characterized by a feeling of euphoria and transcendence. You can train to get in them.

Steven Puri

Steven Puri

Man sitting on deck overlooking mountain

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Peak Experiences

  • Fulfillment: These experiences are intrinsically rewarding and generate positive emotions
  • Spiritual: During the experience, one feels at one with the world and loses track of time

Drain the Shallows

Achieving Flow States is difficult in the modern workforce.  In his book, Deep Work, Georgetown computer science professor Cal Newport writes that knowledge workers spend an average of 60 percent of their workweek communicating electronically, with up to 30 percent of their time devoted to answering email.  Spending this much time in “frenetic shallowness” permanently reduces your ability to enter Flow States.

Enter the Flow

Maslow and Csikszentmihalyi believed peak experiences and Flow States are possible for anyone willing to devote the time and effort necessary for developing these skills.  On occasion, such experiences are spontaneous, but those who practice seem primed to experience them more often.



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