Your Most Important Task sets the tone for the entire day. These four simple tips will help you become a productivity star.
You only have so much time and energy to get things done.
Recognize that some tasks are really important right now while others are not.
To make the best use of your time, your first task should make a significant difference in your workday.
This is your MIT: Most Important Task.
Every day, your Task List should begin with two or three MITs.
Focus on getting these Tasks done during your most productive hours.
For most people, this is the first thing in the morning.
Getting through your MITs sets the tone for the rest of your day.
The Mere Urgency Effect is a phenomenon in which people work on unimportant Tasks over important Tasks.
Results from this Journal of Consumer Research study show that “people behaved as if pursuing an urgent task has an appeal all its own, independent of its objective consequence.”
When a deadline looms or a sense of urgency is instilled, people tend to focus on Task-completion rather than Task payoffs.
How does this affect decision-making? How can you use this phenomenon to your advantage?
When creating your MIT List, ask yourself these questions:
Having a Task List of two or three MITs gives you permission to say “no” to interruptions.
The Sukha platform makes it easy to prioritize Tasks in addition to blocking distractions. Now, let’s begin.