Adventurer Nick Costelloe explains how he gets his work done and what he does to get into Flow.
Nick Costelloe describes himself as a writer, marketer, and adventurer. He grows projects that can make a positive impact and loves being outside.
Formerly the Head of Content for Demand Curve, a company that has helped to grow Microsoft, Segment, and Perfect Keto, Nick offers the following advice about adventures:
There are three qualities that define every adventure big or small: 1) being present in the moment; 2) being excited; and 3) being open to new experiences.
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
A mountain bike ride followed by black coffee and journaling.
Physical exercise, coffee, and mindful practice make for a wonderful morning routine!
Slow down and do it right :)
I run a social mission project called Universal Dialect. We’re small, but we give soccer balls to kids who can’t afford to play.
Learn more about Nick and his work, and make sure to check out his TEDx Talk on becoming more adventurous.