Why Everyone Should Be Using This Time Management System

Twenty percent of your efforts will yield 80% of the results. Here's a guide to choosing wisely.

Steven Puri

Steven Puri

Day planner on desk

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The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle is one of the best time management systems in existence.

Simply put, 20% of your efforts will yield 80% of your results.  In 1985, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto noticed that the wealthiest 20% of the population influenced 80% of the population.

It turns out his principle holds true for planning your daily workflow as well.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Putting the Pareto Principle to work in your Sukha experience: two out of 10 Tasks on your Playlist will be worth more than the other eight put together.

Unfortunately, most people put off working on their Most Important Tasks (MITs).  They tend to focus on the least significant 80%—tasks that will not significantly move them toward their goals.

This is also referred to as the Mere Urgency Effect, in which people prioritize and complete unimportant work instead of important tasks.

If this speaks to you, rethink your approach and focus on task payoffs rather than task completion.

Using the Pareto Principle

Here's a simple guide to get you going.

  • On your Task List, write down 10 important Tasks.
  • Ask yourself: “If I could only accomplish one Task today, which one would have the most significant impact on my life?”
  • Choose the second most crucial Task and ask the same question.
  • Do this for all 10 Tasks.

This process will help you determine your two MITs.

By prioritizing your tasks in this manner, the opportunities for success are boundless.

Most importantly, your sense of accomplishment will increase as you watch the fruits of your labor bloom.



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